Tara Robinette, Board Member and Lead Volunteer with Quiet Pastures at Green Oak, is a Woman of God who glorifies Him in her words and deeds. Tara was born on a Military base in Maryland and spent her childhood living in 12+ States and attending both Public Schools and Base Schools. “During my elementary and middle school years, I always had a passion and love for horses, but since I was always moving from state to state, I never had the opportunity to own a horse.” Living in The United States and in Germany, instilled in Tara a big-picture perspective about life. It shaped Tara into the person she is today, who has an ability to relate to individuals from all nations and to see everyone as a child of God.
Post High School, Tara enrolled at The University of Maryland College Park where she attended for 2 years. Tara then attended The Ohio State University where she earned her Bachelor of Microbiology. Subsequently, she enrolled at Ashland Theological Seminary and earned her Masters in Pastoral Counseling. Due to Tara’s love for art, science, and teaching/counseling, she decided it would be wise to homeschool her children and to settle down on 20 acres—away from the city. “As my children became older, I was seeking an organization that was focused on horses and on sharing The Gospel. God answered my prayers!”
A mutual connection contacted Amanda Stout, Executive Director of Quiet Pastures, and suggested that she reach out and contact Tara about her nonprofit ministry. Tara was invited to a Vision Casting Party at Quiet Pastures in 2017 and Tara has been involved in the nonprofit since. As a Lead Volunteer, Tara has completed the Discipleship Training and Curriculum offered at Quiet Pastures. “My focus is discipling and opening my arms to those who have been sexually trafficked–and are hurting and need support, encouragement, and recovery. The women look forward to the time they spend at Quiet Pastures, and we pray, have devotions, and take time to bond and complete an activity with the horses together.”
Over the course of 8 weeks, there are tangible and noticeable changes in demeanor. At the onset, the women are fearful, guarded, timid, and untrusting, which is completely understandable. Through the time spent at Quiet Pastures, they begin to let their guard down and receive hope and prayer. Transformations happen because of the support, love and compassion which is extended to them by each of the Leaders and Volunteers at Quiet Pastures. The women emerge with hope and receive the love of Jesus and the truth of The Gospel.
Since 2017, Tara has grown in her personal walk with The Lord and is willing to put aside her fears and is comfortable and confident about speaking up and sharing The Gospel. “People need to know the truth and realize that the choice to follow Jesus, is theirs!” When Tara is not leading and serving a Quiet Pastures, she is dedicated to Dwell Community Church in Pataskala and has been the church Audio Editor since 2019.
Tara Robinette is grateful for where God has placed her and for her deep and open relationship with Him. “I give the glory to God and He calls me to be excellent at whatever I do!” Tara is fulfilling her purpose to disciple others through her humble, honest, and authentic spirit. In turn, she gains their trust. The women at Quiet Pastures take a step of faith and join Tara as she joins them in sharing tears, joy, and laughter—while always reminding them—“God is Sovereign.”
Quiet Pastures at Green Oak is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 82-1499758
Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM